

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, W, Y


 Ralph 233

Abstinence from Animal rood 362

Alcott, Bronson 13

Ahimsa 3, 9, 15, 17, 129, 133, 143, 168-9, 270, 279-80, 282-4, 314,321,327,329,331,333-40 (see also nonviolence)

American civil war 226-9, 280

American Friends Service Committee 201

American Peace Society 226

Andrews, C. F. 195-6, 367

Angell, Norman 160

Anti-Nuclear-Arms Convention 165, 16i

Aquinas, St Thomas 294

Arjuna 122

Arms race 184-5

The Arms Race 263

Asoka 6, 7, 15

Assisi, Francesco d' 75

Atom bomb 161, 242, 272, 274 5,279

Augustine of Hippo 365

Aurelius, Marcus 10, 351

Azad, Abul Kalam 155

Ballou, Adin Bardoli 45, 116

Basic education 83, 258, 369, 373

Beer, Samuel 102

Bentham, Jeremy 325-6, 330

Besant, Annie 381

Bhagavad-Gita 3, 122, 143, 242, 270,308,324,334,348-9,351 354-7, 359, 380

Bhudan 53, 369-70

Bigelow, Albert 202

Bismarck 230 Bolsheviki 39

Bondurant, Joan 91, 114, 144, 157, 205, 285, 311

Bonhoffer 76

Bose, Rabindra Nath 284

Bose, Subhas Chandra 142

Boston Peace Convention 35

Bowles, Chester 203

Brinton, Crane 90

Brinton, Howard 11-2

Buddha 4-6, 16, 114, 119, 280, 355,375,380

Buddhism 6, 8, 354

A Bunch of Old Letters 283

Burritt, Elihu 227

Camus, Albert 220-1

Canby, Henry Seidel 13

Case, Clarence Marsh 25, 41, 227

Chaco Wars 182

China 131, 140-1

Cholsy, Maryse 92

Christianity 10, 33, 75-6, 361-2

Christian love 197

Christian non-resistance 70

Christian pacifism 25

Christians 11, 31-2, 68, 75-6, 204, 223, 255, 257, 351, 361, 363

Christians, early 10, 29, 361

Christian truth 11, 367

Christ, Jesus 9-10, 16, 18, 31-3, 67-8, 73, 280, 339, 356-7, 3601, 363-7, 375

Christmas Island tests 287

Churchill, Winston 160

Church of Christ Scientist 364

Civil disobedience 13-4, 90 100, 147, 149-50, 200, 211, 227, 288, 317, 379, 381

Civil rights movement 88, 108 9, 151, 197, 203-4, 209, 211-6, 218-9

Clayton, Cranston 197

Cold war 184, 249-50, 279-80

Committee against Jim Crow in the Armed Forces 200

Committee for Nonviolent Action 219

Committee of Federal Organizations 209, 216

Committee of One Hundred 92-3

Committee of Racial Equality 46, 199

Common Market, European 301

Commonwealth, British 382

Community development program 370

Congress of Industrial Organizations 229

The Conquest of Violence 91, 114

Conscientious objectors 228

Constructive work 84

Contra Celsum 364

Co-operative movement 370

Co-ownership 259-60

Darkness at Noon 32 8

Datta, Dhirendra Mohan 282

Debs, Eugene 39 Decentralization 258-60, 296

Delhi-to-Peking f r i e n d s h i p march 205

Dell, Floyd 89-90, 94

Demilitarization 182

Demintry 259

Democratic Values and the Practice of Citizenship 166-

Dewey, John 102

Dharna 105

Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War 46

Disarmament 180-2, 185-90, 224, 263-64, 289, 345

Disarmament, nuclear 183

Disarmament, unilateral 165-7, 169, 178, 183-4, 189-91

Diwakar, R.R. 88, 91, 289

Dodge, David Low 226

Donne, John 175

Duragraha 99-102, 107-11

Duragrahi 101, 108

Einstein, Albert 170, 273

Eisenhower, Dwight 173, 214-5

Eliot, T. S. 335

Emerson, Ralph Waldo 13

Ends and means 321-31

Ends and Means xv

Engels, Friedrich 326

Enneads 361

Essenes 360,363

Evers, Medgar W. 209

Fairweather 361

Faison, Negley 196

Fellowship of Reconciliation 36, 199, 203, 227

Ferdinand, Archduke Franz 174

Fischer, Louis 205

Fox, George 11, 32, 302

Freud, Sigmund 176, 335

The Friend 24

Fromm, Eric 173

Fullbright, John W. 215

Gaitskell, Hugh 183

Gandhi x-xvi, 44, 76, 83, 119, 130, 137, 291, 298, 310-1, 318, 326, 347, 349-51, 376, 382; and civil disobedience 146-7, 381; and the Congress 140-2, 144, 356; and the Gita 353, 355, 359; and Hitler 285; and industrialization 258; and Marxists 145-6; and Negroes 203; and nonviolence 132-3, 148, 171, 271, 280, 282-3, 313-5, 337, 358, 380; and nuclear weapons 266; and pacifists 23 5, 251; and politics 262, 308; and satyagraha 285, 289-90, 307, 341-2, 346, 348, 377, 383; and spirituality 123; and the West 195-6, 202, 204-5, 257, 378; and unilateral disarmament 189, 191, 244-5, and the U.S. peace movement 206-7; and World War 11 243; consistency in 312; his relevance ix; Jain influence on 8; misrepresentations of 139; on the atom bomb 242, 279; on the constructive program 47, 177, 369; on himself 138; on Jesus 68, 357; on karma 241; on means and ends 309, 321-4, 327-31; on morality 16, 134; on the Negro struggle 197; on nonviolence 18, 22, 47, 85, 143-4, 252, 267, 270; on peace 250; on satyagraha 45-8, 99, 105, 109, 111, 122, 129; on self renunciation 17; on the Sermon on the Mount 9; on the State 316; on Thoreau 14; on Tolstoy I1-12, on trusteeship 317; on truth 15-6, 120-1, 246, 264, 281, 292-3, 303, 354, 379; on violence 108; on war 172, 174, 178-9, 249, 261

Gandhian constructive program 18, 47, 177, 205-7, 329, 369, 372

Gandhi and Stalin 205

Gandhi centenary 383

Gandhigram 369

Gandhi, Kaba 14

Gandhi on World Affairs 205

Garrison, William Lloyd 35-6, 227

Georgia 217

Ghaffar Khan, Abdul 149

Goa 131, 139, 142, 287

Gramdan 53, 368, 370-2, 374

The Great Illusion 160

The Greek Passion 175

Gregg, Richard B. 92,129, 143, 195, 205, 227

Grimke, Thomas S. 226

Grotius 292-3, 299

Gunther, John 196

Gyan Chand 52

Hague Conference 188

Hammarskjold, Dag 295

Harijan 68, 349, 354, 360

Harijans 83, 91, 372

Harijan Sevak Sangh 369

Hind Swaraj 321

Hinduism 4, 16, 29, 333

Hitler, Adolf 147-8, 154, 160, 188, 197, 240, 243, 255, 276, 285

Holmes, John Haynes 195-6

Hopi Indian nation 37

Houser, George 199

Howard University 205

Hume, David 325

Hunter Commission 148

Hunter, Robert 229

Huxley, Aldous xv, 122, 335

Independent Labour Party 39

Indian National Army 142

Indian National Congress 140-1, 144-5, 155, 307, 315, 356

Indian national movement 315

Indian war of independence (Indian mutiny) 141

Industrial revolution 254, 260

Inside Asia 196

International law 292

Irwin (Lord) 142, 147

Israel 374

Ittoen 352-3, 355

Jalianwala Bagh 148

James, William 177

Jaspers, Karl 290

Jefferson, Thomas 225

Jehovah's Witnesses 38-9

Joad, C. E. M. xi

Johnson, Lyndon 175, 215-6

Johnson, Mordecai 203

Johnson, Paul B. 216

John the Baptist 364

John, the Gospel according to St 363

Jones, E. Stanley 196, 282

Jones, Rufus 196

Journal of Conflict Resolution 205

Justinian 362

Juvenal 360

Kachongva, Dan 37

Kahn, Herman 188

Kalinga War 15

Kalki 270

Karma 322-3, 327

Kashmir 131, 139, 141, 165

Kasturba Gandhi Memorial Trust 369

Kautilya 324, 326

Kazansakis, Nikos 175

Kennedy, J.F. 181, 215

Khadi 83, 308, 368

Kher, V. B. 284

Khruschov, Nikita 181

Killing No Murder 324

The Kingdom of God Is Within You xii, 11

King-Hall, Stephen 170

King, Martin Luther ix, xv, 81, 94, 132, 210, 216, 232-3, 287, 351

Kipling, Rudyard 358

Korean War 201

Krishna 354, 357

Kumarappa, Bharatan 24

Kumarappa, J.C. 145

Kuper, Leo 25

Labour movement 198

Lathrop,John 226

Law of the harvest 82, 84

Lawrence textile strike 198

Lead Kindly Light 205

League of Nations 188, 246, 275, 346

Lenin, V.I. 326-7

Leprosy 369

Lester, Muriel 196

Liebnecht, Karl 39

Lincoln, Abraham 175

Lippman, Walter 175

Little Rock 214

Lloyd, Selwyn 181

Lohia, Rammanohar 52

London, Jack 230

Lowell, James Russell 227

Luke, the Gospel according to St 366

Luthuli, John 290

Luxemburg, Rosa 39

Lynd, Staughton 205

MacArthur, Douglas 172

Macdonald, Dwight 206

Machiavelli, Niccolo 324-6, 329

Macmillan, Harold 286

Mahabharata 3-4, 334

Mahatma Gandhi: His Own Story 367

Mahatma Gandhi: the Last Phase 349

Manu 3, 276

Maritain, Jacques 323

Materialism 253, 255, 257

Materia Medica 364

Matthew, the Gospel according to St 364-6

Male Mau 148

Mays, Benjamin 151, 197

McCarthyism 114, 200

Mein Kampf 148

Menninger, Roy W. 173

Mennonites 223

Metamorphoses 360

Meyer, William H. 12

Miller, Webb 196

Millis, Walter 182

Mississippi 90, 209, 212-8

Mohammad, Prophet 380

Montgomery bus boycott 44, 71, 202-3, 232

Mooney, Tom 230

Moore, G. E. 340

Moral resistance 34-5, 49

Morris, Jones 311

Mother India 278

Mukherjee, Hiren 311, 317

Muste, A. J. 51, 1979, 202-3

N. A. A. C. P. 209-11, 215

Narayan, Jayaprakash 156

National Labour Relations Act 229

Natural law 292-3, 295

Nazis 77, 148, 160-2

Necodemus 363

Negroes 46, 108, 122, 127, 197, 200, 202-3, 209-13, 215, 217-8, 232-4, 288

Nehru, Jawaharlal ix, 4, 17, 140, 142, 157, 173, 196, 283, 287, 340, 369-70

Nelson, William Stuart 204 Nevada Action 202

New England Abolitionist Convention 36

New Testament 9, 15, 31, 34, 223-4,378

The New York Times 219

Niebuhr, Reinhold 197, 228

Noel-Baker, Philip 263

No More War 24

Non-alignment 142, 345

Non-cooperation 99-100, 150, 164, 345, 347

Non-cooperation movement 382

Non-possession 317

Non-resistance 29, 35, 69-70, 73, 89-90, 223

Nonviolence xiii, 3-5, 8-11, 14-8, 22-6, 49, 67, 72, 74, 76-78, 80-1, 84-5, 87-9, 99, 110, 113, 132, 139, 143-4, 151, 155, 166-9, 171, 197-8, 201-3, 20910, 217, 221-2, 228-9, 231, 233-4, 245-6, 251-2, 267, 2769, 294, 309, 313-4, 317-8, 322, 338, 342, 344, 360, 380, 383.

Nonviolence, generic 26, 28

Nonviolence in an Aggressive World 198

Nonviolence, types of 64

Nonviolent action 76, 139, 145, 148-51, 153, 157, 167, 199, 200,287

Nonviolent Action against Nuclear Weapons 202

Nonviolent direct action 31, 45, 47, 195, 231-2, 286

Nonviolent resistance 22, 81, 113, 116-9, 196, 207, 223, 233

Nonviolent resistance and direct action 26-8, 34, 49, 55, 81

Nonviolent revolution 28, 4852,205, 382

Nuclear bomb 244, 260, 262

Nuclear deterrence 286,289

Nuclear pacifism 287

Nuclear war xvi, 244, 254, 266, 271-3

Organization of American States 183

Origen 363, 366

Origen and Greek Patristic Theology 361

Ovid 360, 364

Pacifism 22, 25, 34, 54, 67, 195

Pacifist 80-3, 204, 213, 251, 360

Page, Kirby 196

Panchayati raj 308, 374

Passive resistance 42, 69, 71-2, 314

Patanjali 120

Paul, Alice 231

Paullin, Theodore 25

Paul of Tarsus 75

Paul, St 363

Pax Romana 295

Peace 39, 204, 244-5, 247-50, 253-4, 292, 294-5, 301, 346-7

Peaceful resistance 43-4, 47

Peacemakers 200-1

Peace movement 185, 196, 198, 200-1, 204, 206, 228, 234

Peace movement, radicalism in 198, 201

Peace worker 250, 293, 295

Penn, William 224-5, 302

Phillips, J. B. 68

The Philosophy of Compassion 363

Plato 294

Pliny 360

Plotinus 361

Polaris Action 202

Poqo 92

Porphyry 362

The Power of Nonviolence 91, 195, 205

Power, Paul 205

Prasad, Rajendra 165, 167, 178

Prohibition 307

The Public Philosophy 175

Pugwash Conference 190 Pyarelal 287, 349

Pythagoras 358-60, 364, 367

Quakers 10-11, 15, 32-3, 196, 223-5, 231, 251, 295

Quit India movement 382

Racial justice 197, 199, 200, 204

Radhakrishnan, S. 154, 249, 362

Rajagopalachari, C. 167, 169 272

Ramayana 3

Randolf, A. Phillip 199, 200 Reconciliation 24

Religion 11-2, 16-7, 175, 191, 268

Richer by Asia 205

Rogers, Carl R. 124-5

Rolland, Romain 121, 195

Roosevelt, F. D, 117, 199, 229

Roosevelt, Theodore, 222

Round Table Conference 196; 317

Ruskin, John 331

Russell, Bertrand 176, 272-3, 287, 335

Rustin, Bayard 199-200, 287

Sacco and Vanzetti 40-1

Salt march 83, 196, 382

SANE (National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy) 202

Sartre, Jean Paul 175, 339

Sarvodaya 373,375

Saturdav Evening Post 203

Satya 321, 331 (see also truth)

Satyagraha xi, xv-vi, 44-6, 89, 91, 99-100, 102-4, 107, 109-11, 122, 125-6, 129, 133, 150, 153, 168, 191, 195, 197, 206, 271, 285, 288-90, 307, 314, 317, 341-2, 344-9, 377, 381-3

Satyagrahi 46-7, 87, 101, 106-8, 121, 127, 243, 314, 343, 376

Scott, Lawrence 202

Scott, Michael 50, 93-4

Sermon on the Mount 9, 31, 73, 115, 158, 223

Sexby, Colonel 324

Shanti Sena 155-6, 252, 374

Sharp, Gene 70

Sheean, Vincent 205

Shridharani, Krishnalal 153, 195

Sibley, Mulford 25

Sit-ins 232-3

Sizwe, Umkonte We 92

Smith, Adam 286

Smuts-Gandhi Agreement 381

Snow, C. P. 93

Socialism and war 326

Socialist Labour Party 39 Socialist Party 38-9

Society of Friends 10, 31, 223

Socrates 94, 271

South Africa xi, 15, 138, 377, 379

Speak Truth to Power 201

Stalin, J. 137, 147, 328

Stevenson, Adlai 172

Stimson, Henry L. 117

Stoics 350

The Story of My Experiments with Truth 119, 144, 349, 359, 361, 363, 377

Stroup, H. H. 40

Student Nonviolent Co-ordinating Committee 203

Student Peace Union 202

Sutherland, Bill 202

Swaraj 315-6

Tagore, Rabindranath 159, 376, 381

Taylor, Edmund 205

Templin, Ralph 199

Tenko San 352-4

Tertz, Abram 327

Their Morals and Ours 327

Thomas, Norman 41

Thompson, Allen 219

Thoreau, Henry David 13-4, 227,287

Thurman, Howard 151, 197

Tillich, Paul 282

Tinker (Professor) 312

Tobias, Charming 151

Tolstoy, Leo 11-2, 15, 32, 150, 381

Toynbee, Arnold 382

The Trial Begins 327

Trier, Herson 326

Triple revolution 212, 220

Trotsky, Leon 326-7

Truman, Harry 117

Trusteeship xiv, 317

Truth xii, xiv, 11, 15-7, 37, 75, 78, 117, 120-2, 133, 171, 246, 253, 281-2, 285, 292-3, 299, 302, 308-10, 313, 326, 330-1, 356, 365-7, 375

Tucker, Benjamin 230

Twentieth Century 93

Unesco 293

Unilateral initiatives 184-5

United Nations xv, 13, 163, 181, 183, 190, 275, 285, 296, 301-2, 346

Unity 195

Unto This Lost 391

Upanisads 3

Urban League 211

Versailles, treaty of 255

Vimalakirti Sutra 356

Vinoba 53, 155, 164, 166-70, 249, 272, 368, 375

Voltaire 176

Vykom satyagraha 46

Wade-ins 232

War xv, 10, 35, 37-42, 50-1, 82-3, 86, 153, 158, 160, 164, 172-5, 177, 179-82, 184-6, 188, 216, 220, 225-8, 248, 253-4, 256-7, 263, 271-4, 297, 298, 302-3, 342-3, 345-6

War Resisters League 219

War Without Violence 153, 195

Washington Post 13

Wells, H. G. 7

White Citizens' Council 219

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom 227

Wordsworth, William 130

World Development Year 302

World Pacifist Conference 24, 201, 203

World Peace Brigade 205

World Refugee Year 302

The World Tomorrow 197

World War I 38-9, 186, 188, 228,241

World War 11 22, 39-40, 181, 186, 206, 228-30, 240-1, 24 255,274,287

Yadavas 273

Yevtushenko, Yevgeny 328

Yoga Sutra 120

Young India 309

Yudhisthira 335, 338

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